Punters Club

Membership is $10.00 per person.

What’s In The Euchre Section

We have a Betting game where the Section Members put in $5.00 each week. Two Members get to have a bet each week. The winnings are deposited into the Punters Section Account. This game starts around mid-February until around about 20th November.

  • The Member who has won the most money for the section over that period has their name put on our trophy.
  • 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, also get a gift.

We also have an ABC game that is played by 26 Members. The cost is one-off $20.00. It runs over 26 weeks and usually starts in April and finishes in October. Each player is allotted a letter of the alphabet each week and points are gained by the first letters of the first three horse placings in the nominated race meeting for that week. The first four Members with the most points at end of 26 weeks get a cash payout.

  • The points are first –3pts, second —2pts, third—1pt.
  • The payout is done approximately 1 hour after the running of the last race at the end of the 26 weeks.

We also try to have challenges against other Sections playing Indoor Bowls, Darts, 8 ball and punting throughout the year.

We also like to try and fit in one outing a year if possible. That could be to a race meeting eg. Night trots or gallops or go out to a restaurant for a meal.

The AGM, Prize Giving, Payout for Betting, and Breakup is at the Beginning of December each year.

Punter Section Committee For 2023

Punter Section Name
Judith Daniels
Elsie Cowley
Audrey Dawson
Alice Tamaariki, Erika Popata, Sam Pene